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100gpm EDJ pump set

The fire pump set is a customized 100gpm EDJ fire pump, which is composed of electric pump + diesel pump + jockey pump. It is a standard fire pump set, which is easy to install the fire pump set on site; easy to debug; Wiring electrical connections; less space requirements; all (pump, drive and controller) on one base, etc.

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When a pressure drop below a certain set point is detected in the fire sprinkler system, the fire pump unit will start. Sometimes two pumps (working and backup) are installed in the system for other safety reasons. The pump set is usually connected to a separate generator or to the nearest substation. This is done to ensure proper operation during a power failure.
The fire pump set is an integral part of any fire protection system designed with the sprinkler system in mind. The fire pump unit is responsible for supplying water or other fire retardants from the storage tank to the sprinkler system. Often considered the beating heart of a fire protection system, choosing a good fire pump set is crucial. There are various different types of pumps depending on their application.


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