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80gpm samll flow fire pump set

The pump will start to work when the pressure in the fire extinguishing system pipeline of EDJ small Fire Fighting water supply equipment drops suddenly. The first triggered pump is the jockey pump(pressure stabili-zation pump). The pressure stabilization pipeline of the jockey pump is allowed to start frequently within a certain range. In general, the pressure of the jockey pump is 1-1.5 bar higher than that of the main pump.

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The pump will start to work when the pressure in the fire extinguishing system pipeline of EDJ small Fire Fighting water supply equipment drops suddenly. The first triggered pump is the jockey pump(pressure stabili-zation pump). The pressure stabilization pipeline of the jockey pump is allowed to start frequently within a certain range. In general, the pressure of the jockey pump is 1-1.5 bar higher than that of the main pump.


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