Home » Fire Pump Set » Diesel electric fire pump set with automatic start after power failure

Diesel electric fire pump set with automatic start after power failure

Diesel fire pumps are generally used as backup equipment, and will only start automatically when the fire signal arrives, the electric pump fails or the power is cut off. After the ultra-low pressure starting device is equipped, the matching electric water pump control cabinet should also be equipped with an ultra-low pressure starting device, and the pressure difference between the two should be the lower limit. This series of products has a large range of lift and flow, which can fully meet the needs of the dock , warehouse, liquefied gas station, petrochemical, airport, power plant, textile and other industrial and mining enterprises fire water supply.

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Three starting functions:

1. Manual start function: through the changeover switch, the manual and every movement interlock can be completed, and the manual start function can be completed;

2. Automatic starting function: It is allowed to start three times. If the three starts are unsuccessful, the “start failure alarm” will be issued and the starting state will be automatically exited; after one successful start, the time to start to rated load is 5-10-15S (depending on the size of the unit capacity). )

3. Emergency manual direct start function: when the automatic control device fails, the emergency manual direct start function can be completed.


    More Fire Pump Set

    When installing a fire pump, it is essential to adhere to specific requirements to ensure its proper functionality and compliance with safety standards. Here are some important installation requirements to consider:

    Codes and Standards: Familiarize yourself with local fire codes, regulations, and industry standards applicable to fire pump installations.

    Location and Accessibility: Choose an appropriate location for the fire pump that allows for easy access, maintenance, and serviceability.

    Foundation and Mounting: Ensure that the fire pump is installed on a stable and level foundation capable of supporting its weight and minimizing vibration.

    Electrical Connections: Electrical connections should be performed by licensed electricians following electrical codes and regulations.

    Water Supply: Ensure an adequate and reliable water supply for the fire pump.

    System Piping and Valves: The piping system should be installed following the pump manufacturer’s specifications and relevant standards.

    Controls and Monitoring: Install the pump’s control panel and associated instrumentation according to manufacturer guidelines.

    Testing and Commissioning: Thoroughly test and commission the fire pump system before placing it into service.

    Documentation and Training: Maintain comprehensive documentation of the installation, including drawings, equipment specifications, test reports, and maintenance records.

    It is crucial to consult with fire protection professionals, including fire engineers and pump manufacturers, to ensure compliance with all relevant requirements during the installation process. Proper installation is essential for the reliable operation of the fire pump and the safety of the facility and its occupants.