Home » Fire Pump Set » Diesel engine fire pump runs safely and smoothly

Diesel engine fire pump runs safely and smoothly

Diesel engine fire pump has the characteristics of high efficiency, wide performance range, safe and stable operation, low noise, long life, convenient installation and maintenance, etc. This diesel engine pump set can transport clean water or other liquids whose physical and chemical properties are similar to water. It can also be used to transport hot water, oil, corrosive or abrasive media by changing the material of the pump’s flow parts, sealing form and adding a cooling system.

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Diesel engine fire pumps are aimed at fire water supply for large flow and high head occasions, and the diesel engine has good starting characteristics, fast starting speed, strong overload capacity, energy saving and does not need to be on standby all the time. The fire pump has complete performance and wide spectrum range. Single-stage single-suction pumps, multi-stage single-suction pumps, self-priming pumps and long-axis pumps can also be used in parallel and combined, with wide flow and pressure ranges. Fire pumps are widely used for fire water supply in warehouses, docks, airports, petrochemical, power plants and other industrial and mining enterprises.


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