Home » Fire Pump Set » EDJ 2500gpm@10bar fire fighting package set-ZJBetter

EDJ 2500gpm@10bar fire fighting package set-ZJBetter

Pump test well, can match the rated flow and head
EDJ series fire pump set consists of electric pump + diesel pump + jockey pump and all accessories.
The pump model of the electric pump and the diesel engine pump are all OTS split case pumps, and the jockey pump is a CDL pump. The three pumps are automatically switched, and can work even if the power is cut off. It adopts high-quality bearings and wear-resistant packing seals.

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Pump test well, can match the rated flow and head
EDJ series fire pump set consists of electric pump + diesel pump + jockey pump and all accessories.
The pump model of the electric pump and the diesel engine pump are all OTS split case pumps, and the jockey pump is a CDL pump. The three pumps are automatically switched, and can work even if the power is cut off. It adopts high-quality bearings and wear-resistant packing seals.


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