Home » Fire Pump Set » Electric fire pump set is used in fire department and other departments

Electric fire pump set is used in fire department and other departments

The current use of fire pumps is still relatively important. As the name suggests, fire pumps are pumps used for fire protection. The fire pumps we use now are all imported from abroad. Its performance mainly includes three aspects, sealing, no leakage, and corrosion resistance. Because of the particularity of its use, its requirements are relatively strict in terms of material selection and production. Considering many aspects, the performance and technical conditions of the fire pump meet the requirements of the “Fire Pump Performance and Test Methods” standard.

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A variety of electric fire pumps are widely used in environmental protection water treatment and fire protection departments. They can pump and press various liquids in different environments to create leak-free workshops and factories. They are more suitable fire-fighting tools under environmental protection conditions. one. In fact, the types of all pumps are similar, but they are different in terms of development and flow. The choice of fire pump can be selected according to his fire protection public welfare and suction requirements.
In fact, the main function of the fire pump is to use it for fire protection. Environmental protection can pump liquid in a leak-free way in different environmental locations to ensure environmental pollution. Because of its special characteristics, it is favored by many factories.


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    In the fire fighting pipeline pump, according to the different installation methods can be divided into vertical fire pumps and horizontal fire pumps, many people have questions about these two common pumps, what is the difference between the two? Shanghai Xizhiquan will explain the difference between horizontal and vertical pumps.

    Obviously, different installation methods take up different space. Vertical pipeline pumps are installed vertically, covering a relatively small area, and vertical fire pumps do not require a foundation, while horizontal fire pumps need to be equipped with a base.

    According to the different structures of the two pumps, it can be concluded that there is also a certain difference in the ease of maintenance of the two types of fire fighting pipeline pumps. The impeller of the vertical fire pump needs to be dismantled from top to bottom, which makes maintenance more difficult; the horizontal fire pump only needs to have the inlet pipe removed so that the impeller can be overhauled, which is relatively simple.

    Due to the different inlet and outlet pipe directions, the pipeline connection between vertical and horizontal is also different. As the vertical pump is a bottom-up structure, while the horizontal fire pump is longitudinally arranged on the base, so the motor of the vertical pump and the pump body are connected in the form of sub-mouth connection, while the horizontal pump needs to use couplings to connect with the motor, and the horizontal pipeline pump needs to be corrected regularly.

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