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Flood Control Mobile Pump Truck

Flood prevention and drought-resistant pumping trucks, equipped with advanced production technology and brand guarantees, advanced equipment, excellence, high-efficiency energy saving, and long service life, are safe and reliable. Flood control drainage mobile pump trucks are used for urban roads, highway tunnel drainage; pumping station polluted water surface; emergency water supply and flood prevention and rescue; drainage in areas of areas; rivers and lakes, reservoirs, and marine water environment governance; agricultural drought resistance, emergency drainage, and other fields.

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Flood prevention and droughtresistant pumping trucks, equipped with advanced production technology and brand guarantees, advanced equipment, excellence, highefficiency energy saving, and long service life, are safe and reliable. Flood control drainage mobile pump trucks are used for urban roads, highway tunnel drainage; pumping station polluted water surface; emergency water supply and flood prevention and rescue; drainage in areas of areas; rivers and lakes, reservoirs, and marine water environment governance; agricultural drought resistance, emergency drainage, and other fields.


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