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Foam Tanks: A Crucial Element in Fire Protection


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This large, high-efficiency firefighting foam tank is designed for industrial and professional settings, offering exceptional fire extinguishing performance and reliable safety assurance. Whether in factories, warehouses, or other high-risk environments, it is the best choice for fire rescue operations.


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    Fire pumps are a type of pump used in fire fighting. Compared to ordinary pumps, fire pumps have higher standards and requirements in terms of sealing, corrosion resistance and operational efficiency. Before running the fire pump equipment, we need to discharge the gas inside the pump, do you know what is the significance of doing so? The following is the answer from Shanghai Xizhiquan.

    1. If there is gas inside the fire pump, then the equipment cannot form a sufficient vacuum during operation, resulting in the liquid not being able to be sucked up. This phenomenon is called gas binding, and is a phenomenon that often results from many operators not understanding this operation.
    2, understand the formation of gas binding causes, we will understand how to avoid this problem occurs. Before the fire pump equipment is started, the pump casing needs to be filled with liquid. In the pump suction pipe mouth need to be equipped with a non-return valve, can effectively avoid the pump in the liquid due to gravity into the low tank, if the pump position is low, there is no need to carry out filling the pump.
    3. The compressed gas inside the fire pump will occupy a certain space in the fire pump, making it impossible to seal it.

    Therefore, the operation of deflating the fire pump before putting it into use can increase the vacuum of the equipment and increase the pumping capacity of the pump, thus effectively improving the efficiency of the equipment and reducing the waste of resources.