Home » Fire Pump Set » How to solve the leakage problem of fire pump?

How to solve the leakage problem of fire pump?

1. Check the system pressure and increase if necessary.
2. Check the seals and gaskets for wear and replace if needed.
3. Check the pipe joints for any leakage and repair if needed.
4. Replace any worn or damaged parts.
5. Check the valves for any leakage and repair if needed.
6. Check the suction and discharge lines for any obstruction and clear if necessary.
7. Inspect the pump for any signs of corrosion and repair or replace if needed.
8. Check and adjust the pressure settings if needed.
9. Perform regular maintenance and service of the pump.

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1. Check the system pressure and increase if necessary.
2. Check the seals and gaskets for wear and replace if needed.
3. Check the pipe joints for any leakage and repair if needed.
4. Replace any worn or damaged parts.
5. Check the valves for any leakage and repair if needed.
6. Check the suction and discharge lines for any obstruction and clear if necessary.
7. Inspect the pump for any signs of corrosion and repair or replace if needed.
8. Check and adjust the pressure settings if needed.
9. Perform regular maintenance and service of the pump.


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