ISO sernes singe-stage centrifugal pump is a single-stage single-suction centrifugal pump product developed by Beter (China)
Technology Co, Ltd, with reference to international srmilar products using modem fluid mechanics to rmeet the international standard IS09908 secondary energy eficiency standard. This product combines the strengths of similar products at home and abrosd andis designed with excellent hydraulic models, therefore, its excellent hydraulic performance and structural features ensure that the user can efectively reduce the operating cost of the pump in various applications.
ISO sernes singe-stage centrifugal pump is a single-stage single-suction centrifugal pump product developed by Beter (China)
Technology Co, Ltd, with reference to international srmilar products using modem fluid mechanics to rmeet the international standard IS09908 secondary energy eficiency standard. This product combines the strengths of similar products at home and abrosd andis designed with excellent hydraulic models, therefore, its excellent hydraulic performance and structural features ensure that the user can efectively reduce the operating cost of the pump in various applications.