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OTS Electric Pump

Series OTS pumps are single stage,double suction with horizontally split casings .They are suitable pumping unsettled water, clean water ,non-drinkable or hydrocarbon at a temperature not exceeded 105C.
Series OTS pumps are available for capacities Of 68-18000m3/hr and heads of 70-200m.They are adoptable in water works irrigation and drainage pumping stations,fire fighting systems, marine applications as well as refinery industry,etc.

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Capacity: Approx 75- 22000 m3 /hr.
Total head: Approx 10-220 m.
Liquid: Fresh water/ Industries/River water/Sea water/Brine/Paper stock Hydro-carbon etc.
Water works: Water intake/Water supply/Booster Industrial use: Water intake/Water supply/Booster/Circulation/Drainage/Chemical/Re-finery/Firefighting/Sea water desalination
Agricultural use: Irrigation and Drainage


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