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Skid mounted Fire Pump

The minimum rated fire pressure of dual power is 0.3MPa, and the minimum rated fire
rated work flow is 2L/S. Dual power includes motor pumps, engine pumps, pressure
stabilization pumps, diaphragm pneumatic tanks, pipes, valves, electrical control systems,
control sensors and other related accessories driven by at least two power sources. Fire
water supply equipment is continuously supplied to the fire control network by preset mode.
The arrangement is reasonable, the installation is firm, the connection is reliable, the
structure is compact and neat, and is convenient for maintenance and overhaul

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The minimum rated fire pressure of dual power is 0.3MPa, and the minimum rated fire

rated work flow is 2L/S. Dual power includes motor pumps, engine pumps, pressure

stabilization pumps, diaphragm pneumatic tanks, pipes, valves, electrical control systems,

control sensors and other related accessories driven by at least two power sources. Fire

water supply equipment is continuously supplied to the fire control network by preset mode.

The arrangement is reasonable, the installation is firm, the connection is reliable, the

structure is compact and neat, and is convenient for maintenance and overhaul


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