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small flow fire fighting package set


The minimum fire rated pressure of EDJ small fire fighting package set water supply equipment is 3 bar, and the minimum fire rated capacity is 25 GPM. EDJ small fire fighting package set water supply equipment includes at least two power or power source driven pumping units, pressure tanks, pipes, valves and accessories, measurement and control instruments, control cabinets, outdoor rain cover, etc.

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According to customer’s requirements, it can be combined freely to realize the function of small fire fighting package set water supply equipment.

ED or EDJ or EEDJ or EEJ ect..

ED: An electric main pump and a diesel engine standby pump (without voltage stabilization or where voltage stabilization is individually configured)

EDJ: An electric main pump, a diesel engine standby pump and a Jockey pump. This diesel-electric combination is more stable..

EEJ: Two electric pumps (one duty and one standby) , plus one Jockey pump, are also feasible for places where power supply is stable or where there are self-allocated generators.

DJ: A diesel engine main pump, a jockey pump (used in the place where the pump runs entirely through the diesel engine)


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