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Specially Designed Fire Pump Set For Outdoor Use

Before starting the electric motor fire pump set, the inspection work is indispensable. Check the condition of the power supply and motor, whether the water volume of the reservoir is sufficient, and whether the water inlet and outlet are normal. The inspection is normal and then starts; after the fire pump is started, attention should be paid to the vibration and temperature rise. It is necessary to set the maintenance time period to ensure the stable performance of the fire pump. According to the needs of system operation control and maintenance management, the electrical control cabinet of the fire pump mainly has the functions of starting and stopping the pump, switching between the main and standby pumps, manual automatic switching, dual power switching, patrol inspection, Protection, feedback mechanical emergency start and other functions.

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The pump set is operated by multiple fire pumps to ensure the quantity and stability of the water supply. The electric motor fire pump group adopts multiple fire pumps powered by electric motors. The general fire water supply environment is equipped with one electric and one diesel fire pump as the reserve water pump to ensure sufficient emergency water consumption. The main components of the electric motor fire pump group are the motor and the pump body. The subdivision of the pump body is the pump casing, impeller, pump shaft, bearing, coupling, sealing form, water lift pipe, etc. The specific fire pump model is determined according to the environment and performance requirements, and at the same time According to the material quotation required by the customer, accurate selection is conducive to on-site use and reduces failure problems.


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