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The mobile pump truck is a mobile pump

The mobile pump truck is a kind of movable pump, which can be used anytime and anywhere, and is easy to operate and use. It is widely used in municipal sewage discharge, emergency drainage, flood and drought relief, farmland irrigation, etc. In urban and rural flood disasters, manpower alone is not enough. We need more powerful and efficient equipment to quickly drain water. We can always see mobile pump trucks in flood fighting and emergency rescue because of their emergency and reliability. Mobility is very suitable for emergency rescue. It can be said that the mobile pump truck is developed for emergency drainage.

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The pump truck can also irrigate because it can drain waterlogging. Because of its own advantages, it can transmit liquid with impurities and is not easy to be blocked. Therefore, mobile pump trucks are basically used for farmland irrigation. The characteristics of high power, high efficiency, and mobility are very suitable for farmland irrigation. Larger farms at home and abroad will be equipped with mobile pump trucks. Even if the farm has an irrigation system, many farms will also reserve mobile pump trucks to allocate water sources in case of drought, or to drain water in continuous rain or typhoon weather.


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