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Tips about fire pumps

At the morning of the design of the fire pump, the lift, inflow and power are different according to the occasion and model. In general domestic structures, the choice of fire pump is also different according to the age, the height of the bottom, and the number of residers.

The fire pump is used for conveying clear water without solid patches and liquids with analogous physical and chemical parcels to water. Water force, heating, restroom, boiler hot and cold water rotation, water force of pressurized air exertion refrigeration system and outfit matching and other occasions.

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At the morning of the design of the fire pump, the liftinflow and power are different according to the occasion and model. In general domestic structures, the choice of fire pump is also different according to the age, the height of the bottom, and the number of residers.

The fire pump is used for conveying clear water without solid patches and liquids with analogous physical and chemical parcels to water. Water force, heating, restroom, boiler hot and cold water rotation, water force of pressurized air exertion refrigeration system and outfit matching and other occasions.


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