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What Is A Split Case Pump?

A split pump is a centrifugal pump with two single-suction impellers or a double-suction impeller supported between bearings. The housing is axially separated from opposing suction and discharge flanges. This facilitates maintenance of the pump. This robust and simple design is especially suitable for high flow applications.

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The split case horizontal pump design sets it apart. They have an inter-bearing design, which means the impeller is supported by bearings on both sides. This allows for more critical support of the impeller and enables it to turn more efficiently under pressure.
In addition, the split case horizontal pump is one of the only common pump designs with a double suction impeller. Since this design draws water from both sides of the impeller (as opposed to the standard single suction design which only draws from one side), it greatly reduces the load requirements of the bearing, allowing it to last longer.


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