Home » Electric fire pump » What safety features are included in electric fire pump systems?

What safety features are included in electric fire pump systems?

Electric fire pump systems include several safety features, such as:

Pressure relief valves: Prevent over-pressurization of the system.
Jockey pumps: Maintain system pressure and reduce the frequency of the main pump’s operation.
Emergency stop buttons: Allow manual shutdown of the pump in case of an emergency.
Automatic transfer switches: Ensure seamless switching to backup power sources during a power outage.

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Electric fire pump systems include several safety features, such as:

  • Pressure relief valves: Prevent over-pressurization of the system.
  • Jockey pumps: Maintain system pressure and reduce the frequency of the main pump’s operation.
  • Emergency stop buttons: Allow manual shutdown of the pump in case of an emergency.
  • Automatic transfer switches: Ensure seamless switching to backup power sources during a power outage.

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